What is Brain Storming? Characteristics, Principles and Uses

Brain-storming technique for fostering new ideas had been developed by Osborn in 1963. It involves storming of a creative problem.

Brain-Storming Techniques

Brain-storming technique for fostering new ideas had been developed by Osborn in 1963. It involves storming of a creative problem. It is a technique which emphasis the importance of divergent thinking. It has two types of mental activities-

Brain-Storming Techniques of Creativity
  1. Creative Mind:- The function of creative mind is to invent ideas, to find out new solutions to problems.
  2. Judicial Mind:- The function judicial mind is to critically examine the ideas which emerge from creative mind.

The technique of brain-storming can be conveniently used for small groups of children. A problem is proposed for discussion. The students are asked to express their views with full freedom of expression. Then with the help of teacher some consensus or opinion is reached.

What is Brain-Storming?

1. View of Page and Thomas:- "Brain-storming is a technique of exploring possible solutions wherein participants are encouraged to contribute suggestions without risk of ridicule."

2. David's view:- "Brain-storming is an approach to increase the learner's creativity and openness for problem solving."

3. Osborn's view:- "Brain-storming is using the brain to storm a creative problem and to do so in a commando fashion, with each stormer. audaciously attacking the same objective.... The crux of brain-storming technique lies in the fact that the exercise generates a wide spectrum of solutions as the participants explore along new and possible fruitful lines of thought."

4. View of Bruner and Sucnman:- Brain-storming implies "the use of discovery and inquiry methods in teaching in order to foster creativity among children. In this way possible solutions to the problems are explored. It is group participation method of problem solving where the ideas come to the mind of the participants without fear or criticism."

Characteristics of Brain-Storming Technique

1. Simple and Specific Problem:- In brain-storming technique for developing creativity among students, simple, specific and easy problem is selected.

2. Encouragement:- The group is encouraged to concentrate freely and friendly in a non-evaluative climate.

3. Spontaneity of ideas:- There is spontaneity and rapid production of ideas in the group for the solution of specific problem.

4. Modification of ideas:- Combination of modification of ideas is preferred.

5. Chain Thinking:- Chain thinking facilitates the brain-storming group in discussion.

6. Competition:- There is an element of competition within the group. Each member tries to produce as many good ideas as possible.

7. No Criticism:- There is no criticism and discouragement as they tamper imagination and creativity.

8. No Evaluation:- The quantity of ideas and the speed demanded in brain-storming does not leave any time for evaluation. Absence of external standards of evaluation as well as absence of internal evaluation reduce the feeling of restrictiveness. The stormer does not bother whether the ideas can actually be put to practice (action) or not.

Principles of Brain-Storming

1. Statement of the Problem:- The problem is stated to the group before the start of the brain-storming session (discussion).

2. Encouragement:- Students are encouraged to give original or new ideas. They are encouraged for modification, combination and improvement of ideas for their own as well as of others.

3. Appreciation:- All ideas are encouraged and appreciated.

4. No Criticism:- No criticism is allowed during the brain-storming session, as it blocks new ideas.

5. Central Point:- Only one central point of a problem is to be taken to for one session of brain-storming. The dull idea is to be made interesting and exciting.

6. Chairman and Recorder:- A chairman, a recorder and a process observer may be selected or appointed before the start of the brain-storming session. A fast writer should be selected for getting down well new ideas immediately. A tape recorder may be used instead of selecting a process observer.

7. Responsibilities:- Members of the group are to be informed about more responsibilities.

8. Discussion:- After the expiry of the session, all the ideas reviewed should be discussed in a free, frank and congenial environment and suitable ideas should be accepted for the solution of the problem in hand.

Uses of Brain-storming

  1. Arousal of Attention: It arouses attention of students.
  2. Development of Interest: It stimulates and develops interest of more students.
  3. Development of Imagination: It arouses active participation and development of imagination.
  4. Development of Ideas: It helps in the development of new ideas, new prediction, new inferences and creative thinking.
  5. Finding Solution: It is helpful in finding out new solution to problems.
  6. Joy and Satisfaction: It is a source of joy and satisfaction.

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