Meaning, Characteristics, Objectives and Need of Professionalism Skill

The word 'professional' is used in two senses, which are related to the way we work. A thing that is related to a job or profession. The other means

Meaning of Profession

It is very simple words that it is way for earning live. It is very broad term to cover most of the occupations, but it is very specific related to specific job or vocation. Teaching profession is related to teaching job. The profession can be stated as job-role of teaching. Teaching profession require education and training for job-role. In this profession a teacher tries to impart knowledge, develop skills and attitudes to words his students. Teaching is considered as noble profession. There are several professions which has different job roles.

Professionalism Skill

The word 'professional' is used in two senses, which are related to the way we work. A thing that is related to a job or profession. The other means well trained or a person who is good at one's work. To be a professional means that a person is good at his job and can be depended upon.

Characteristics of Profession

The professional group of a profession indicates certain specific characteristics. They are as follows:

  1. A profession demands possession of a body of specialized knowledge and extended practical training.
  2. A profession renders and essential social service. Even though a professional seeks to live by what he earns, his main purpose and desire is to be of service to those who seek his assistance and to the community in which he lives.
  3. A profession demands continuous in-service training of its members.
  4. A profession has a clearly defined membership of particular group, with a view to safeguard the interest of the profession.
  5. A profession assures its members a life career.
  6. A profession evolves its own code of ethics.
  7. A profession sets up its own professional organization.

Objectives and Aims of Vocational Education

  1. To make the students professional so that they can be able to live respectfully in the society.
  2. To develop the skills to earn a living in the students so that they can discharge their family responsibilities well.
  3. Developing the nation and providing the right direction to social changes.
  4. To strengthen the national economic structure and increase per capita income.
  5. To promote the expansion of education.

Need and Importance of Vocational Education

In the development of a country, the educational system of that country is very important and if the main purpose of that education is to provide business to the students and make them capable of earning a living, then the development of that country is certain. Education can achieve its real objectives and goals only if that education is vocational education. Keeping in view the declining quality of education at present, it is necessary that education should be completely converted into vocational education.

Vocational education is not only helpful in choosing a profession to the students, but through it the all-round development of the students is also done. Keeping in view the increasing population in the modern era, it is necessary that education should be made according to the students so that they can achieve their real objectives.

Functions of Business Economist

A business economist is an important officer of a business organization. Its main functions are as follows-

(1) Assisting with Decision Making:- Most of the decisions of business units are taken in an environment of uncertainty. It is the job of a business economist to make necessary arrangements for these decisions to be correct and timely. His work can be divided into two parts-

(a) Intellectual work:- Under this work the identification of areas of decision, determination of necessary elements in relation to it and search for alternative decisions are included. In this way there are following three stages of this work:

  • (i) Perceived knowledge:- It means to get direct knowledge about the need and opportunity of decision in relation to the problem. It includes problem knowledge, analysis of the problem, presentation of the problem in a simple form and determination of suitable time to solve the problem.
  • (ii) Concept:- Under this, the work of developing and evaluating different options for deciding on the problem comes.
  • (iii) Exploration:- Under this task, it is included to find the means to solve the problem and find out the obstacles in this regard.

(b) Selection Function:- After analyzing the problem, developing alternatives and collecting the necessary facts regarding them, a business economist should select the best option according to the circumstances of his firm. To select the best option, the comparative profitability of various alternatives, financial resources of the firm, attitudes of the government, labor union and the firm itself should be evaluated.

(2) Helping in future planning:- The second important function of the business economist is to help the management in future planning of the activities of the firm. A business economist should make long-term plans for the fulfillment of the objectives of his firm and the efficient use of resources and should try to adjust his resources according to the available opportunities and the constraints caused by the external environment. If later he finds any error regarding future planning, then he should make necessary amendments without wasting any time.

(3) Administration related work:- A business economist is an important officer of the organization. Therefore, he should give suggestions to the management to improve the structure of the organization, to bring co-ordination with the rights and responsibilities, to develop effective transportation system and to make the best use of the resources of the firm.

(4) Economic knowledge:- A business economist also provides economic information of general interest to the management of his organization (such as the type and price of the product of the competitors, tax rates, tax etc.). Although most of the economic information is published in newspapers and magazines and government notifications, but after analyzing them, it is the job of the business economist to inform the management.

(5) Participation in public debates on economic matters:- Many qualified and eminent professional economists participate in public debates on economic matters. Both the government and society benefit from the ideas and suggestions of such economists. In fact, by participating in such debates, a business economist gets recognition in his own organization and increases his familiarity with the analysis of his subject at home and abroad. Many business economists also do the work of preparing speeches for managers at the highest level of their organization.

What is Vocational Education?

In order to provide vocational education to students in India, it was said that a council should be formed, which should plan for the implementation of vocational education and policy making. Keeping this in mind, the Joint Council for Vocational Education (JCVE) was established by the Central Government. This council formulates the policy for the formulation of vocational curriculum and approves the schools for its implementation.

Vocational Education in the Context of Professionalism

In general, the integration of education with vocational education is called vocational education, but in reality its meaning is much wider than this. Vocational education provides opportunities to the students to choose a profession and acquire business related qualifications. Vocational education was started by the suggestions of National Commission on Education 1964-66. The basis on which the National Education Policy 1986 gave its approval and it became a medium of instruction. Based on this, the National Policy on Education 1986 has set a target of connecting 25% of +2 students in vocational education to vocational education by 1995. To expand vocational education, it was also included in distance education.

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