Kumaun University B.Ed. 1st Sem Notes According to New Syllabus
Thank You for visiting this page. In this page, all the topics of B.Ed. 1st sem of Kumaun University are covered for English medium. The topics of each paper are given in sequence according to syllabus. You may open and read any article related to your choice by clicking on the topic name.
B-101: Philosophical and Sociological Perspectives of Education
Unit-1: Philosophy of Education
- Philosophy of Education: Meaning, Nature and Scope
- Philosophical Foundations of Education
- Naturalism
- Idealism
- Pragmatism
- Realism
- Existentialism
- Humanism
Unit-2: Contribution of Educational Thinkers
- J.J. Rousseau
- J. Dewey
- Aristotle
- M.K. Gandhi
- S.Vivekananda
- Rabindra Nath Tagore
Unit-3: Sociology of Education
- Sociology of Education: Meaning, Nature and Scope
- Sociological foundations of Education: Concept
- Social Mobility: Meaning definition, forms, factors affecting social mobility
- Culture: Acculturation & Enculturation
- Modernization
- Social Stratification and Education
Unit-4: Role of Education in Social Reconstruction
- Social Change: Meaning, Definition and Factors of Social Change
- Relation between Education and Social Change
- Socialization: Meaning, Definition, Principles of Socialization, Factors affecting Socialization of Child
- Education as a process of Socialization
- Education and National Integration
B-102: Psychology of Development and Learning
Unit-1: Growth and Development in Infancy and Childhood
- Meaning, Nature & Importance of Growth & Development
- Principles and Factors affecting Growth & Development
- Characteristics and Developmental Tasks of Infancy and Childhood
- Habit formation
- Common Childhood Problems
- Stages of Development
- Piaget Theory of Cognitive Development
- Bruner Theory of Congnitive Development
Unit-2: Development during Adolescence
- Development during Adolescence: Meaning and Characteristics
- Developmental Tasks
- Ego Identity development (Erickson)
- Relationship with family & others in society
- Peer group
- Group Dynamics and Leadership
- Problems during Adolescence
- Role of Guidance & Counseling
- Social Development in Adolescence
- Emotional Development in Adolescence
- Adjustment: Meaning, Defense mechanisms
- Causes of Maladjustment
- Mental Health and Hygiene: Meaning, Definition and Aims
- Factors affecting Mental Health
Unit-3: Educational Psychology and Learning
- Definition of Psychology: Meaning of behaviour, nature and scope
- Contribution of Psychology to Education: Meaning and Definition of Educational Psychology, Scope and Need
- Learning: Meaning and Definition, Characteristics and Process, factors influencing learning Process
- Thorndike's theory of learning
- Pavlov's classical conditioning theory of learning
- Skinner's operant conditioning theory
- Transfer of learning: Types of transfer, Educational implication
- Theories of Transfer of Learning
- Formal Discipline, Identical Elements
Unit-4: Psychology of Learner
- Motivation: Meaning and Nature, Techniques of enhancing Motivation
- Theories of Motivation:
- Maslow’s Need Hierarchy
- Incentive Theory
- Creativity: Meaning, Steps of creative process
- Memory: Steps of memory process, Methods of Memorization, Factors influencing memory and causes of forgetting
- Intelligence: Meaning and definition, Types
- Types of Intelligence Tests
- Personality: Meaning and Definition, Determinants of Personality Development
- Measurement of personality: Subjective Methods
B-103: Principles and Methods of Teaching
Unit-1: The Structure of Teaching
- Concept of Teaching: Meaning, Definition and Function
- Teaching Principles
- Maxims, Phases of Teaching
- Levels of Teaching
- Teaching Soft skills
- Communication
- Professionalism
- Patience
- Creativity
- Enthusiasm
- Confidence
- Dedication
- Theories of Teaching:
- Communication theory
- Gagne’s Hierarchical Theory
- Ryan’s theory of Teacher Behaviour
Unit-2: Innovations in Teaching
- Micro Teaching: Concept, Importance and process
- Teaching Skills: Questioning
- Stimulus variation
- Illustration
- Explanation
- Demonstration
- Reinforcement
- Creative Teaching
- Team Teaching: Meaning, Principle and Process
- Simulated Social Skills Training (SSST)
Unit- 3: Models of Teaching
- Teaching Models: Meaning, Characteristics, Functions and Components
- Types of Teaching Models:
- Concept attainment Model
- Advanced organizer Model
- Inquiry training model
Unit-4: Methods of Teaching
- Methods of Teaching with reference to their Procedure, Characteristics, Advantages, limitations
- Brainstorming Method
- Outside classroom teaching Method
- Project Method
- Role play Method
- Story Board Teaching Method
- Problem solving Method
- Programmed instruction Method
- Small group instruction Method
- Flipped classroom Teaching Method
- Cooperative teaching Method
- Buzz Group teaching Method
- Discussion Method
- Lecture method
- Demonstration Method
- Assignment Method