Levels of Teaching

Memory is a mental process, which is definitely found in some or the other quantity in every living being. In fact, when a person sees an object

Levels of Teaching

There are three levels of teaching:

  • (a) Memory level,
  • (b) Understanding level,
  • (c) Reflective level.
Levels of Teaching

1. Memory Level of Teaching

Memory is a mental process, which is definitely found in some or the other quantity in every living being. In fact, when a person sees an object, object or place, then the image or signs of that object, substance or place are formed in his mind, remembering these accumulated signs or things learned in the past is called memory. According to Woodworth, "memory is the direct application of learned experience."

Phases of Memory

(1). Learning:- When a desired change is brought or attempted to be brought about in the behavior, experience, practice and training of a person, it is called learning. Memory is based only on the recording of learning or experiences.

(2). Retention:- Retaining the learned text or rituals permanently in the mind is called Dharana. When a person's mind keeps on holding something for a long time, then his memory is very good.

(3). Recall:- Bringing the learned experiences into consciousness is called recollection, whether the person's memory is good or bad, depends only on remembering these experiences in the past.

(4). Recognition:- By seeing an object or a person, to tell that we have seen it before, is called identification.

Classification of Memory

The ability to remember something is different in each person, there are some people who never forget after remembering something once, on the contrary, there are some people who remember the same thing again and again. After forgetting the matter every time, on the basis of these different abilities of the individuals, the classification of memory can be done as follows-

  1. Immediate Memory
  2. Permanent Memory
  3. Personal Memory
  4. Impersonal Memory
  5. Active Memory
  6. Passive Memory
  7. Mechanical Memory
  8. Rote Memory
  9. Logical Memory

Characteristics of Good Memory

Following are the characteristics of a good memory-

  1. Good memory requires quick learning.
  2. It should have stability of holding.
  3. There should be quick recall.
  4. Good memory should be useful.
  5. A good memory should have the quality of forgetting useless things.

Model of Memory Level of Teaching

  1. Aim
  2. Syntax
  3. Social System
  4. Support System

2. Understanding Level of Teaching

Understanding level teaching is the middle level of teaching, in which those students are included whose intelligence is developing. For teaching at the Buddhist level, it is necessary that the teaching has already taken place at the memory level. At the understanding level, emphasis is laid on making the students generalization and understanding about theory and facts. If the teacher succeeds in this endeavor, then the ability of the students to recognize, understand and apply the rules develops. In comprehension level teaching, the teacher presents the content to the students in such a way that students get maximum opportunities for understanding and necessary understanding is generated in the students.

Model of Understanding Level of Teaching

  1. Aim
  2. Syntax
  3. Assimilation
  4. Organization
  5. Recitation
  6. Social System
  7. Support System

3. Reflective Level of Teaching

In the reflective level, the teacher enhances the power of thinking, reasoning and imagination in his students, so that the student can solve his problems through both the memory and the understanding level. Teaching at the reflective level is problem-centred. In this stage, the teacher creates the problem in front of the children and gives time to the children to reflect on it independently. Critical and original thinking develops in children at this stage.

Model of Reflective Level of Teaching

  1. Aim
  2. Syntax
  3. Social System
  4. Support System

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